
28-May-2023: The making of this web page

I reckon this is about the fifth time I've decided to go public with my writings. Will I have the guts to actually put myself out there this time? Previous attempts totally failed because I was too scared of reader opinions to have anything interesting to say. But as some controversity, non-mainstream thoughts, old ideas revived and strong opionins is something I can't seem to shut up about anyway I might as well write about it. And since I Am much much better writer than speaker it's probably wise to have some texts to refer to when I notice people blanking out on what the hell I talk about.

With that out of the way we need some public service to actually publish this shit on.

But as I Am who I Am.
We will not go the easy route to use some megacorp privacy disaster and ad-driven piece of shit buggy and slow blog platform service with some signup ux nightmare where they will steal your god damn phone number for two-factor download-yet-another-app so we can spy some fucking more on your miserable sad life.. uhm "service".

As it hapoens I already self host Git-repos etc. on this beauty!

Wood Server

It runs OpenBSD because it's simple and secure. The tech stack will be just awesome! Handwritten HTML, it's fine, I don't care. Upload to web server folder configured in OpenBSD httpd server. Also have a main page with links, some other info and just maybe style it just a little bit with some simple CSS. In other words, what you currently see!

Ahh Simplicity!

I hate npm with a passion. So no npm. We don't even have Javascript because we don't fucking need it. No Docker. They say it's great. Have yet too see proof for it. So far it just adds complexity by making non-typed, non-compiled, non-single executable interpreted language somewhat manageable. And it certainly seems like a god damn gateway drug to some sort of complexity rave party.
No 2-factor crap. By the way why do we even bother with all the hassle as they just Solarwind or zero-days straight inte the heart and steal everybodys fucking data anyway? Yeah, so I don't bother with it on my small OpenBSD server with very limited external third-party packages installed for a HTML page with some text nobody reads anyway.

Now, I did not lie when I said I'm stupid. Because I could not get it working! If you ever deployed lets say Python/Django this should be laughable easy because it's very simple. But no! I somehow fucked it up. Well, http worked. Https did not. Acme-client worked for Let's encrypt. Everything seemed to be working on the server. But like a moron I tried the same thing the example suggested several times. Until I had to go take a shit. And there it hit me. Ohh, only port 80, not 443 was forwarded in my router!

So there you have it. Hope you enjoyed today's post because I had to handle some shit even for this simple web page. The web is shit!

Next time I have a problem to solve I will take the default way and just take a shower. Much cleaner but will be a lot more expensive taking several showers a day.