
31-May-2023: Weight lifting

The back pain was starting to seriously impacting my well being. Doctors and physical therapists did not find anything to explain it. I actually got depressed. Was not sleeping well.

This was about eleven years ago. One day I stumpled upon an article on Hacker News (the orange site) which led to something called Starting Strength. If I remember correctly I had already thought about going to the gym may be a good idea.

Thing is that Starting Strength is lifting heavy (but not too heavy). Deadlifts, squats, bench press and overhead press. I had in my youth badly tweaked my back doing deadlifts. And bench pressing? I could not even lay on my back in a soft bed. The padded kitchen couch, forget about it. Bench pressing arching my back lifting weights, no fucking way!

But I was desperate. I had had enough. I figured worst case I would seriously injure myself but at least that way I would get a surgery or drugs or something.
I went all in. Bought the book. Spent several tens of thousand SEK and bought equipment and built a proper home gym!

Then I started training. And have been lifting more or less since then. I've learned a lot! I seldom have any back pain and when I do I don't think it's any worse then any other person spending a lot of time behind a keyboard.

Currently I'm getting back into it after about 2 months of not very consistent lifting. It's OK. I have periods where I lift a few times a month and periods where I lift every day.
Now I'm aiming for 3 times a week. A very simple program as follows (last session as example).

For next session I will increase the overhead press to 42.5 kilos. The last set of deadlift to 130kg.
And then keep on increasing the weight for each session until it can't be done anymore. Or as it sometimes happens I grow tired of the program and switch to something else. Maybe back to the squat-every-day program!

And holy shit I Am A LOT stronger now at 42 than I have ever been in my life. That's powerful!